
Below you will find our prices for the 2024/2025 season, in US dollars. The prices are for each pool, for the entire duration of the season (playoffs are considered a separate season). You will find that our prices are very competetive, and our service and support continues to be excellent for all pools we offer. Note that our NFL Box Pools continue to be free!!!

For our March Madness pools, our service will remain free until after round 1 of the tournament.

Pricing is made directly through PayPal, with with your PayPal account or directly with your credit card. Payment can be made by clicking 'Admin...Send Payment'.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.

March Madness Pools

Bracket Pools

$9.95 for first 10 members

  • $0.50 for each additional member
  • Select winners of all tournament games
  • Customized scoring by round
  • What-If scenarios
  • Free trial

Sweet 16 Pools

$6.95 for first 10 members

  • $0.50 for each additional member
  • Select games starting in the Sweet 16 round
  • Customized scoring by round
  • What-If scnearios
  • Free trial

Pick 8 Pools

$6.95 for first 10 members

  • $0.50 for each additional member
  • Select 8 teams before the tournament starts
  • Get points for every time your team wins, every round
  • Customized scoring by round
  • Free trial

Football Pools - Reguar Season

Pick'em Pools

$19.95 for first 10 members

  • $2.00 for each additional member
  • Pick winners each week
  • Customized scoring & pick deadline
  • Point margin or straight up
  • Free trial

Confidence Rank Pools

$19.95 for first 10 members

  • $2.00 for each additional member
  • Pick winners each week
  • Custom pick deadline
  • Point margin or straight up
  • Free trial

Survivor Pools

$9.95 for first 10 members

  • $0.75 for each additional member
  • Pick a winner every week
  • Customize incorrect picks to eliminate
  • Point margin or straight up
  • Free trial

Custom Margin Pools

$19.95 for first 10 members

  • $2.00 for each additional member
  • Pick winners every week
  • Set base points for correct picks
  • Each member sets their own margin per game
  • Margin for correct pick is added to base points
  • Free trial

Squares Pools


  • Select one or many squares
  • Set a cap on max squatres per member
  • Squares are intersections of last digit of each team's score
  • Track resuts by quarter

College Bowl Pools

Pick'em Pools

$9.95 for first 10 members

  • $1.00 for each additional member
  • Customize active bowl games
  • Customized scoring & pick deadline
  • Point margin or straight up
  • Free trial

Confidence Rank Pools

$9.95 for first 10 members

  • $1.00 for each additional member
  • Customize active bowl games
  • Custom pick deadline
  • POint margin or straight up
  • Free trial

Football Pools - Post-Season

Bracket Pools

$9.95 for first 10 members

  • $1.00 for each additional member
  • Classic bracket style pool
  • Allocate points per round
  • Factors in re-seeding after wildcard round
  • Free trial

Pick'em Pools

$9.95 for first 10 members

  • $1.00 for each additional member
  • Pick winners each post-season week
  • Customized scoring & pick deadline
  • Point margin or straight up
  • Free trial

Confidence Rank Pools

$9.95 for first 10 members

  • $1.00 for each additional member
  • Rank winners for each playoff game (1 through 13)
  • Custom pick deadline
  • Point margi or straight up
  • Free trial

Survivor Pools


  • Pick a winner every week
  • Custmoize incorrect picks to eliminate
  • Point margin or straight up

Squares Pools


  • Select one or many squares
  • Set a cap on max squares per member
  • Squares are intersections of last digit of each team's score
  • Track results by quarter

Hockey Pools - Post-Season

Confidence Rank Pools

$9.95 for first 10 members

  • $0.50 for each additional member
  • Select the winners of all playoff series
  • Customized scoring by round
  • What-If scenarios
  • Free trial